Consolidated Toledo Drill
PRODUCT CATALOG >> Auto body Weldout™ Spotweld Drills
Type 186 — Super Cobalt Auto body Spotweld

Type 186 is to cut through the weld on one panel while leaving the second panel free of holes.
High red hardness of cobalt steel permits speeds 30% greater than high speed steel drills.
Rugged high performance drill is designed to effectively cut auto body panel spotwelds.
Manufactured in the USA.

Type 187— Super Cobalt Auto body Spotweld

Type 187 drill is chip resistant with slightly greater penetration into the second panel.
High red hardness of cobalt steel permits speeds 30% greater than high speed steel drills.
Rugged high performance drill is designed to effectively cut auto body panel spotwelds.
Manufactured in the USA.

Type 187-DN — Cobalt Titanium Nitride

Titanium nitride (TiN) drill require a slower speed (490 RPM) when drilling difficult materials.
Titanium nitride M42 cobalt steel spotweld drills are designed for use in high strength high alloy steel commonly used in the automobile industry.
Titanium nitride doubles the tool life, gives additional lubricity and protects the cutting edges of the drill in tough spot weld removal applications.
Manufactured in the USA.

Type 187-B — Carbide Titanium Aluminum Nitride

Designed for removing spot welds on European auto body panels made of boron steel, advanced high strength steel, and ultra-high strength steel.
Used in high temperature operations and difficult to machine materials. Titanium aluminum nitride improves lubricity, eliminating lubrication requirements.
This drill is the fastest and easiest way to remove spot welds in car restorations and auto body repair work.
Recommended: ( 900 RPM — 1,000 RPM )
Manufactured in the USA.