Consolidated Toledo Drill
PRODUCT CATALOG >> Vortex–Point™ Drills & Car Reamers Mechanics Length

Mechanics Length 135° Split Point 3–flat on Shank

Easily enlarges existing holes without damaging the point.
Unique tip geometry reduces heat generation & cutting tool wear increasing tool life.
3–flats on shank eliminates slippage.
Stay sharp up to 4X longer compared to conventional and other specialty tip design.
Recommended: for Cast iron, Brass, Sheet metal, Plastic, Mild steel, Copper, Hardened steel.

Car Reamer Fast Spiral Mechanics Length

For use in enlarging previously formed OR drilled holes.
3–flat on shank, elimates slippage.
Theses reamers are especially designed for reaming of structural steel plates commonly found in truck frames, rail cars, bridges and
pressure vessels.

8pc. VORTEX–Point™ & Reamers Set

Part# 82340
— Drill sizes: 3/16", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8"
— Reamers sizes: 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4"
Each storage hole precisely sized for accurate,
quick tool selection.
Strong, lightweight and highly–impact resistant.
Reliable high–density plastic.