Consolidated Toledo Drill
PRODUCT CATALOG >> HSS VORTEX–POINT™ Mechanics Length 135° Split point

Mechanics Length 3–Flat on Shank

Easily enlarges existing holes without damaging the point.
Unique tip geometry reduces heat generation & cutting tool wear increasing tool life.
3–flats on shank eliminates slippage.
Ideal for Hard steel, Sheet metal, Brass, and Acrylics.

Type VT-13 Set

Part# 22863
— Drill sizes: 1/16" – 1/4" by 64ths
Corrosion resistant, epoxy baked on coating.
Rugged, Heavy gauge ALL steel case.
Each storage hole precisely sized for accurate quick tool selection.

Type VT-15 Set

Part# 22873
— Drill sizes: 1/16" – 1/2" by 32nd
Each storage hole precisely sized for accurate quick tool selection.
Secure, snap–lock steel cover
Rugged, Heavy gauge ALL steel case.

Type VT-21 Set

Part# 22883
— Drill sizes: 1/16" – 3/8" by 64ths
Each storage hole precisely sized for accurate quick tool selection.
Corrosion resistant, epoxy baked on coating.
Secure, snap–lock steel cover

Type VT-29 Set

Part# 22893
—Drill sizes: 1/16" – 1/2" by 64ths
Each storage hole precisely sized for accurate quick tool selection.
Secure, snap–lock steel cover.
Rugged, Heavy gauge ALL steel case.
Corrosion resistant, epoxy baked on coating.

Type VT-29P Set

Part# 22903
—Drill sizes: 1/16" – 1/2" by 64ths
Strong, Lightweight and Highly–impact resistant.
Reliable, High–density plastic.
Weatherproof, Watertight & Unbreakable.

Type VT-29PO Set

Part# 22913
—Drill sizes: 1/16" – 1/2" by 64ths
Strong, Lightweight and Highly–impact resistant.
Reliable, High–density plastic.
Weatherproof, Watertight & unbreakable.